NetSuite Keyboard Shortcuts

June 21, 2022

Working quickly and efficiently in NetSuite with helpful keyboard shortcuts.

NetSuite allows you to use so-called keyboard shortcuts on various levels to quickly and easily get to the right input field and enter the desired information, all without the need for long searches or scrolling.


Become a NetSuite expert in only a few clicks:

Data entry forms & records

Keyboard shortcuts for editing forms and records

  • Header: Save transaction.
  • Transaction line: Add transaction.
Jump to the next field.
Jump to the previous field.
Space key: Activate / deactivate a control field.
Selection of multiple entries.
Amount field: Add or subtract.


Global search
Global search bar display.
Key combinations for date fields

Shortcuts for editing the date fields. Note that these shortcuts are only supported within the date fields that contain the day, month and year.

Enter the current date.
Enter yesterday’s date.
Enter the last day of the current month.
Enter the end of the current accounting period.
Enter the end of the previous accounting period.
Enter the next calendar day.
Enter the previous calendar day.
Multiple choice keys

Key combinations of transaction and record levels for easy navigation of list entries.

Select list entries.
Select the first / last list entry.


Navigation to the sub-tabs
Select the sub-tab highlighted with the respective letter.
Display of reports

Shortcuts for displaying reports:

Move to the previous report page.
Move to the next report page.
Move to the first report page.
Move to the last report page.
Filtering of search results

Shortcuts for easy use of the search function:

Switch between filters.
Select from a list of filters.